Tuesday, 31 March 2020

A Dart Challenge ...

Hi team,

As I was standing on the Richmond Hills I noticed a plane overhead and I thought of Jayden in Ti Kouka and how much he likes to make paper planes/darts.  (I mean who doesn't?). So I thought of a challenge for you all that combines thinking about things we are grateful for and some maths!  The challenge goes out to other family members too :)

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Here I am again:) An update!

Day 5 - School Holidays

I know it is the school holidays but if you are stuck for ideas - here are some things you could try.  The art idea looks fun and don't forget physical activity.  Brett Fairweather has kindly allowed us access to his resources while we are in lockdown.  I am still waiting to hear from someone.  Anyone?  Are you all still out there?? 
Work on the Studyladder set tasks.  Or..

Play Make 27 with a family member

Follow the Jump Jam link and have a great work out.  Get the family to join in too.

Make and Do:
Use the video link Hand Art and trace your hand on paper. The turn your hands into a bird, a dog or a crab. Watch the tutorial and have a go.  You could try you own ideas.

Read or write:
*Read a recipe and create something delicious or read recipe instructions to help the chief cook in your house.  Or…

*Spend some time reading in your special place.  Or…

*Work on a studyladder reading activity.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Day 1

Hi everyone, guess who?  Lots of fun home learning suggestions below..

More Ideas for learning at Home

Work on the Studyladder set tasks.  Or..

If you have a dice teach a family member to play Close to 100 or Close to 1000.  Or…

Teach a family member to play our Traffic Lights place value game.

Go for a walk with whanau in your ‘bubble’.  At the same time Go on a Bear Hunt – how many bears are on display in windows?  Or

Move to the Cha Cha video at least twice.

Make and do:
Watch “The Paper Airplane Guy “video – see Useful Websites link and see what you can design.  Make a plane that flies far and make one that can loop and do tricks. 
Read or write:
Find and describe your special place at home – see My Favourite Couch post.  You could use the link that is under Useful Websites to present your description – a song, a slideshow… check it out.  Or…

Spend some time reading in your special place or you could listen to the David Walliams story of the day or listen to a Storyline Online story.  All the links are under Useful Websites.  Or…

Work on a studyladder reading activity.

This is a must do every day!

Who doesn't love David Walliams?  Did you know he is releasing a free audio book story every day for you to listen to?  Click on the link below to listen to one today :)  Mrs D.G has also added a link under the  'Useful Websites'  section on our blog so it'll be easy for you to find.

David Walliams Audio Book

Exercise time - Cha cha slide

Hi there, Mrs Harpur has been busy exercising so now it is your turn.  Don't forget to read the earlier posts and contact me.  I REALLY want to hear from you all:)

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Hey everyone!

Where in Richmond am I?  If you know the name of this walk post it in a comment.  Would love to hear how you're all getting on.  What fun things have you been up to?  Send me an e-mail fleur.harpur@birchwood.school.nz or just add a comment to this post.  Take care everyone!!

Made it!

Meet the Richmond Teddies

Meet Baby Oscar - he belongs to Emma Greep.

Meet Joshua Bear - he belongs to Sam Greep

I read in the paper that people are putting Teddy Bears up against their windows for young children to enjoy when they go for a walk with their families.  The Richmond Teddies will be joining them.  It is a nice thing to do to cheer the kids up when they can't visit friends or the playground.  Do one thing tonight to make someone in your bubble happy.  Tell me what you decided to do.  Maybe I could borrow your idea and make Mr Greep a bit more happy:)

Have you got a special toy that you love to bits.  Tell me about it.  Help me get an image in my head of what it is like.  Here's my very first toy...

He does look a bit worn and sad but he is really old!!


As I (Fleur) was out walking today I saw teddies everywhere!  I saw three hanging off the back of a rubbish truck and numerous ones in the windows of peoples' houses and on fences.  Have you seen any?  Check out these two I found on the fence on Wensley Road.  Send us some pictures of ones you may have seen .... or even better draw a map so we can all go hunting :)

Saw this too ... thought it was awesome!!  A farmer has made this in his paddock, I think it's very creative.

Hi everyone, we are going to be hanging at home for a while.  This couch is where I love to hang out at my house.  Let me tell you about it.
The couch is old but it is my favourite.  We do have another couch but I don't like it much.  The other couch is cold when I sit on it during the summer and believe it or not it is cold to sit on during the winter!  AND I get a sore neck when I am on it for a while.
Now let's get back to my favourite couch.  The fabric is always warm.  It feels like an old favourite jumper or coat.  It is soft and comfortable too, no sore necks when I sit here.  The fabric has a noticeable texture when you rub your hand over it, but it still manages to be inviting.  The blue colour is great too, as it hides all the food stains and newspaper ink. 
The couch sits in the sun, I think that's a big attraction for me.  With the sun shining on it, I can't resist relaxing on it and contemplating.  Usually I think about what I should be doing!

Now tell me where you intend to spend a lot of time at your house.  You can write it on a doc and I would love you to send it to me.  A photo would be great.  Describe your place using your senses and really clear word choices so I can truely picture what it is like.

Catching up


Hi everyone.  2020!  Not quite the start we expected but we can do this!  It is going to be an adventure and I want you to share a lot of what you are doing while we are on this adventure.  Even though we are not face to face we can still stay in contact with each other.

Science - Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water

You can see the condensation forming under the plastic wrap.  We investigated how to turn salt water into fresh water as part of our Drains ...