Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Hey everyone!

Where in Richmond am I?  If you know the name of this walk post it in a comment.  Would love to hear how you're all getting on.  What fun things have you been up to?  Send me an e-mail fleur.harpur@birchwood.school.nz or just add a comment to this post.  Take care everyone!!

Made it!


  1. hey mrs harpur just wondering are you at the jimmy lee creek walk?

    1. Yes indeed! You are super clever. Have you been there before? You'd have to have if you remember the 'kissing gate.' What have you been up to over the last few days?


Science - Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water

You can see the condensation forming under the plastic wrap.  We investigated how to turn salt water into fresh water as part of our Drains ...