Thursday, 14 May 2020

Last Video Catch up - The real me is coming soon:)

This was my fourth attempt and I probably should have had another try but I was getting worse!  Any way catch you tomorrow on Zoom @3.30.  This will be the time to ask any questions you might have about next week at school.  That will be the purpose of the Zoom Meeting.  See you then.

Term 2 - Week 5 Friday 15 May

Today is all about Creativity

Choose one or more of the activities below and get those creative juices flowing...
Be Creative:
Work through the cartoon workshops Mrs Harpur posted on Ti Kouka’s blog and create a cartoon YOU.  Tahlia has already had a go!

Be Creative:
Yesterday I suggested that you all watch The Handrils video (see below).

Think about making your own puppets.  You can make puppets out of anything: Socks, wooden spoons, paper bags, paper and sticks, some pen drawn on your hand or just your hands, some movement and practice.

Your challenge is to decide on a theme, write a script and create your own puppet show.

You could retell a story you know well, create a show to help younger students know what to do in a tricky situation or just let your imagination run wild.  Have fun!  Someone could film your show and share with me or you could wait until next week and share it live at school.
Be Creative:
Create an exercise routine that includes many of the fitness activities you have completed during Alert Level 3 and 4.  
Be Creative:
Watch the video below and create your own bird feeder.  There are so many birds in our gardens at the moment.  I have never seen a Tui in my garden and that is my goal this year, to have a feeder and some plants that will attract Tuis.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Term 2 - Week 5 Thursday 14 May

Hi everyone, we are nearly there!  I will have a chat tomorrow to tell you a little bit about what school will be like next week.  I can't wait to catch up:)

Quick Question
Tupou has 298 stickers in her collection. She gets 129 more. How many does she have altogether??

Number of the Day – 86
Make this number as many of these ways as you can.
1. Adding two numbers
2. Adding three numbers
3. Adding more than three numbers
4. Using a double, or a double plus or minus 1
5. Finding the difference of two numbers
6. Multiplying two or more numbers
7. Multiplying then adding
8. Multiplying then subtracting
9. Dividing one number by another
10. Using a fraction
11. Using a decimal
12. Using another clever or different way

Keep working on the games and activities on Studyladder, Prodigy under Useful Websites that focus on basic facts knowledge.  This will help you to solve any maths problem.

Read or write:
Continue working on your new spelling list using the activities posted last Monday.

Sparks writing
Remember Sparks Writing can include your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences, your opinions, your memories, any idea.

You could use – poems, letters, comic strips, any kind of genre – fairy-tale, report, retelling, songs, jokes, fiction, non-fiction

Or try one of these prompts:
·      Describe the perfect day.  Put in as many details as you can.  Make it a possible day, not a "dream day."
  • What family chore do you have that you like the least.  Explain your answer
  • I looked around the house.  Nothing seemed unusual, nothing but the…
  • Invent a school of the future.  How would it be different from your school now?  How would it be the same?

Try Jackson’s Quirky Challenge (Useful Websites)

Be Creative:
Watch the Video  - The Handrils- see below.  Tomorrow on Friday Fun Day for our Grand Finale in Alert Level 3, you will be working on something around this

Continue working on Silone’s Challenge.

Grab a Dice and play Fit Dice again– see the photo on Monday.  No dice? You can use playing cards or make you own cards showing 1 - 6

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Term 2 - Week 5 Wednesday 13 May

Quick Question
Koro’s greenstone patu weighed 2.5 kilograms. Dad’s weighed 1.5 kilograms. How much did the two pounamu weigh together?


Relationships Y4 or Y5
This is about using your basic facts knowledge to see relationships between numbers.  Look at both options (Useful Websites) and choose the level that suits you.

Keep working on the games and activities on Studyladder, Prodigy and under Useful Websites that focus on basic facts knowledge.  This will help you to solve any maths problem.

Read or write:
Continue working on your new spelling list using the activities posted last Monday.

Make your own fun story – see (Useful Websites) and add the appropriate words to the list and then use these words to make up a fun story.
Be Creative:
Doodle art –
*Begin in one spot on the paper and start drawing doodles. Create as many doodles as you like… the only rule is that no doodles should overlap or interfere with any other doodles.
*If you wish, you can keep the doodles the same. In other words, draw only geometric shapes (ie squares, triangles, circles etc.) or draw only organic shapes (squiggly “natural” shapes).
*When you have filled your paper with doodles, begin coloring in.
*You may use solid colour, lines, cross hatching, dots, dashes… whatever you like.

Continue working on Silone’s Challenge.

Let’s go for high energy again.
Use the Useful Websites links and try PE with Joe

Monday, 11 May 2020

I'm back @ home:)

Hi everyone, I have posted some more suggestions for learning at home.  Everything is to help you move forward and progress.  Thinking creatively is a really important skill, we have seen how many businesses have been creative during Alert Level 3 and now moving into Alert Level 2.  The more you practise any skill (reading, writing or maths) can only help you to improve.  Many of you are creating your own learning opportunities at home as well.  We are always learning:)  Think about how much we now know about effective hygiene actions, PPE and social distancing:)

Term 2 - Week 5 Tuesday 12 May

Quick Question
273 students from one school were participating in the tryathlon. 189 students from another school were participating. How many students were participating altogether?

Maths puzzle
75 is the Sum
Focus - using addition facts knowledge, and recognising some ‘compatible’ numbers for 75.  (These are pairs of numbers that add to 75 exactly (see Useful Websites).

Keep working on the games and activities on Studyladder, Prodigy and under Useful Websites that focus on basic facts knowledge.  This will help you to solve any maths problem.

Read or write:
Continue working on the new spelling list and activities in last Monday's post.

Play a game of online Boggle (Useful Websites)  and see how high you can get your score.  Remember the letters need to be connecting.  Share your scores.  Choose any sized grid.

Visit the Rainbow Poetry
Website and click on the My Teacher Doesn’t Get Me poem and resource.  Read the poem and scroll down to answer the questions.  You could share with me or have a discussion with a family member.

Be Creative:
Do it yourself marble run – if you have glue/tape, scissors, and a stash of leftover tp and paper towel rolls, you can create your very own DIY Cardboard Marble Run 

Continue working on Silone’s Challenge.

Jump Jam - Do both The Witch Doctor and Who Let the Dogs Out? and I guarantee you’ll be puffing

Draw a Hodag

Two people have had a go at drawing a Hodag (see Monday's post).  Remember here is the description “the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end.”  I think these are great attempts:)
I will add a photo of what it looks like on Friday.

By Ewan

By Tahlia

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Term 2 - Week 5 Monday 11 May

Quick Question
Kata sorted 97 tennis balls in the P.E shed but 145 more were found throughout the classrooms and playground. How many tennis balls were there altogether??

New Games
Play Create 5000 (using place value and 3 digit numbers) or Create 5 (Using decimals) see Useful Websites

Keep working on the games and activities on Studyladder, Prodigy and under Useful Websites that focus on basic facts knowledge.  This will help you to solve any maths problem.

Read or write:
Can you spell the 100 words on the new list below?
Organise those that are a bit tricky into 2 lists of 10 words and focus on them for the week using the activities posted last  Monday.

Watch the video The Great Realisation (see below ) and then create a list of 8 negative happenings before The Great Realisation and 10 positive happenings after The Great Realisation.  After this give your opinion to this question – Do you think life in the world will be different now?  Why?
Be Creative:
Before photography, at times artists had to draw pictures of things they had never seen.  All they had to rely on was a brief description.  Use the description below and have a go at drawing a Hodag (a mythical creature).  This menacing beast is described as having “the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end.”
I will add a photo of what it looks like later in the week.

Continue working on Silone’s Challenge.

Grab a Dice and play Fit Dice – see the image below

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Nikau Catch Up
Friday, 8 May10:00 – 10:30am
Description:Fleur Dash is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 774 2741 6430

Shhhh it's still all about our special people!

Welcome to Fun Day Friday.  Today is all about our Mums or a special person in our lives.  Shhhhh you need to keep this quiet and keep yourself on track for getting it done!  Your mission is to make your Mum or special person feel loved and valued.  Choose to do things that you know they would value the most.

Being Grateful/
Memory Bags

Remember how on Fridays we normally add to our bag.  Just because we’re at home it doesn’t mean we can’t be doing this.

What’s been your favourite Mum memory this week?  
What are you grateful for about your Mum?

What is something you wished you could have done with your Mum this week but couldn’t because you’ve had to stay at home?

Hopefully you have lots to put into our class bag when we get back to school … I know I have!  I can’t wait to hear about your memories and things you are grateful for.

Get Moving!

Using these exercises you
can do a full workout using the first letters of your Mum's FULL NAME. 
Once again try and get your bubble to join in with their names too.
** If you're unsure of the exercises look them up on google.

Finish your Mother’s Day inserts from yesterday.  Make it memorable and your best work.

EXTRA EXTRA (optional)
I know how into quizzes you are.  I really liked this quiz.  You might want to do it as a team with someone else in your bubble.  It showed to me how much more I need to learn about the beautiful country we live in.

Be Kind
Do something kind for Mum today without being asked.  

Ideas ...
* Make her a cup of tea/coffee
* Tidy up
* Give her shoulders a rub
* Tell her how wonderful she is
* Help with a chore she least likes doing
* Encourage her to have some 'Time Out' to herself
* Help with making dinner
* Play her favourite music

The list is endless!

Creative Cards
You will need to see what resources you have available before choosing which card you'd like to make.
         Below are some card ideas, you will need to choose the one that will work best with what you have at home.  
         Remember it’s the thought that counts.  Your Mums or special person will love any effort you put in and I always think the words inside the cards are the most important part.               The cards using curled paper are really easy. The white one with yellow centre looks really effective. Just use strips of paper curl them over and glue.  The messy part is hidden by the yellow centre.  You could use plain or coloured paper.
  Have fun!


Digital Technology
This challenge is from Mrs Gregory today.  Coding is something we will be learning this term at school many of you are already experts in this area.

CHALLENGE: 15 - Coding on SCRATCH 
 kiwi e hÄ«koi ana

Produce a code to make a kiwi shuffle around in the bush!  
15 year old Oliver (Mrs Gregory's son) has just created this quickly to demonstrate!

Oliver’s coding for his kiwi looks like this …
Challenge yourself to designing a new code - surprise us!

Online Learning in Action

Hunter's origami cup

Moment in Time by Tahlia

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Shhhh it's a secret!

Hey, hey, hey it’s SPARKS writing day! 

Mother’s Day is this Sunday.  For Sparks writing I’d like you to write the insert for a Mother’s Day card.

You might like to write:
An Acrostic Poem
Write an acrostic poem about Mum or someone else who is important in your life.  Use the first letters of their name and write words or sentences about them.  Here is an example below.

Loving and kind to others
Intelligent and Interesting
Special inside and out
Adventurous and an Angel


Finish off these lines…

Dear Mum, (or Grandma)

I love the way you…
You make me smile when …
If I had a million dollars I’d buy you …
I really love it when we…
I love you more than …
If I could tell you anything it would be …

Love from ________

We will make the card tomorrow!!

Fast Finishers
Dante and Noah are the only children who I have seen quizzes from.  I’d love to see some more so we can offer them to other classes.

Let’s Get Baking
Wouldn’t it be nice to make some baking for your special person? 

Click on the link below. (The one I used for our honey snaps from last week – I saw some great baking from Talia). On it are all sorts of recipes.  This week I’ve added two different types of fudge recipes, Russian Fudge and Chocolate Fudge. If your special person has a sweet tooth one of these recipes would be perfect.

Maybe you could get Dad to help you make these.  Or you could bake with Mum but pretend you’re making it for someone else.  Just a thought … this is an optional activity.  You may have something else in mind that your special person would like more.

Maths Extra:  When you working out your ingredients try and work out how you would double the recipe.  How much of each ingredient would you need?

If you’re feeling crafty you could make a an origami bag to put your baking in.

Origami Boxes
Heart Woven Bags (trickier)
Origami Box (youtube video)

Science - Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water

You can see the condensation forming under the plastic wrap.  We investigated how to turn salt water into fresh water as part of our Drains ...